Learn to Leverage Social Risk Intelligence™ and Next Best Actions at Medicaid Enterprise Systems Community Conference

The pandemic has been a catalyst to surfacing health inequities that exist in communities throughout the United States. These disparities disproportionately impact historically disenfranchised and marginalized communities and the burden of bridging these gaps often fall on State and Federal programs. Despite spending as much as 67% of the national budget on social programs, Americans continue to have the worst health outcomes within developed nations*. Ironic as it may appear, the lack of relevant data illustrating healthcare needs is not the problem. On the contrary, the poor cost to value ratio can be attributed to lack of cohesive data strategies to drive efficiencies across enterprise care management.   

For years, the healthcare industry has discussed the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and its effect on the aforementioned communities. Some organizations are further along in trying to tackle social risk through intervention programs while others haven’t started and/or don’t have the resources to make a concerted effort. What’s important to recognize is there are solutions out there to guide the whole journey towards better health outcomes and maximum impact. 

Socially Determined is the first organization of its kind to provide Social Risk Intelligence™ that enables healthcare entities to fully understand the impact SDOH has on their communities. Our novel technology allows organizations to identify high concentrations of social risk exposure, quantify opportunities that have the biggest impact, prioritize what actions to take for sustainable, social-care intervention programs and measure the results of said programs. 

Vantage Health Technologies delivers technology and innovation to drive human action. Through its AI-enabled platform, it takes disparate clinical and non-clinical data and presents users with personalized, highly relevant, and timely insights in addition to recommended next best actions to drive optimal health outcomes. Our solutions coordinate and orchestrate systemwide guided action to improve both the effective and efficient use of resources and boost health outcomes – consistently and at scale. 

Given the complementary strengths of our companies and a shared vision for the future of U.S. healthcare, we are committed to finding ways that will uplift vulnerable Americans who are beneficiaries of State and Federal social programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Indian Health Services (IHS). We can help health plans, payers and government agencies looking for new ways to leverage analytic insights and turn it into targeted action that drives results. 

If you are interested in learning more about our collective approach to helping organizations like yours understand the impact of social risk and find effective ways to address it, Socially Determined and Vantage Health Technologies will be at the MESC conference in Boston August 9-12. Click here to set up an appointment to connect.  

You can also visit our websites at: https://www.sociallydetermined.com and www.vantagehealth.tech  
